Tag Archives: herbs

32 weeks (8 weeks until due date)

HELLO, CONSISTENT HEARTBURN! Definitely not the worst thing a person can get as a side effect of pregnancy, but it ain’t pleasant. I still consider myself very lucky to have had such a wonderful, beautiful pregnancy (so far).

I’m now at that point where my pregnancy has stolen my abilities to do very basic things. My puppy very kindly and thoughtfully leaves bits of toys everywhere for me to clean up every day, and it is SO much easier to get down on my hands and knees and crawl about picking up all the little bits, rather than bending down over and over again. It’s easier to pick up my clothes from out of my drawers with my toes. And my shoes, that’s where Matthew comes in very handy now to help me put them on. And who knows if I’ll accidentally wee myself the next time I sneeze.

It’s just easier to stay in PJs. 😉


Ian has got some calming drops to put in his food, to lower his levels on anxiety. It’s helping a lot with him worrying about everything and everyone all of the time. It’s all natural herbal remedy stuff, and I’m getting really into learning about herbs and the affects they can have on people and animals. I will definitely be using herbs as a way to make my daughter’s birth even more beautiful.
