Tag Archives: puppy

Ian 4 President 2016

I don’t care if I talk about my dog pretty much every day. He is just so special to me. He makes everything better.
I cannot possibly feel down when I watch him rummage through his toy box, looking for today’s chosen favourite. It doesn’t matter what it is, whether a half chewed up stuffed animal with missing eyes and fluff hanging out of a hole where a limb once held everything together, or a dirty old squashed bottle with bite marks all over. He does not judge. He’ll choose whichever he prefers at that moment, and then trot  around the apartment with it gripped tightly in his mouth with such happiness and pride, walking into things and falling over as if he’s had a bit too much to drink.
He has no comprehension of politics, war, crime or hate, he just knows that he loves his mum and his toys, he knows that his dinner will be served shortly, then dad will be home, then he gets to go on his walkies.
Every day is the best day ever to him, and what a special animal he is to be able to think that way. 🙂

DSC_0264.JPG(Birthmonthday pic from Sunday – he turns/has turned 1 at some point around now)

32 weeks (8 weeks until due date)

HELLO, CONSISTENT HEARTBURN! Definitely not the worst thing a person can get as a side effect of pregnancy, but it ain’t pleasant. I still consider myself very lucky to have had such a wonderful, beautiful pregnancy (so far).

I’m now at that point where my pregnancy has stolen my abilities to do very basic things. My puppy very kindly and thoughtfully leaves bits of toys everywhere for me to clean up every day, and it is SO much easier to get down on my hands and knees and crawl about picking up all the little bits, rather than bending down over and over again. It’s easier to pick up my clothes from out of my drawers with my toes. And my shoes, that’s where Matthew comes in very handy now to help me put them on. And who knows if I’ll accidentally wee myself the next time I sneeze.

It’s just easier to stay in PJs. 😉


Ian has got some calming drops to put in his food, to lower his levels on anxiety. It’s helping a lot with him worrying about everything and everyone all of the time. It’s all natural herbal remedy stuff, and I’m getting really into learning about herbs and the affects they can have on people and animals. I will definitely be using herbs as a way to make my daughter’s birth even more beautiful.


25 weeks Preggo

25 weeks today! An exciting point to be at, for sure. I get to see her again on Monday and I am very much looking forward to it. My mum will also be there with me too as she is flying over to the USA tomorrow! Eeeeep!


This handsome pup has had an important day today too; we began our separation anxiety ‘training’ and he did really well! He got too stressed towards the end and I realized I was working too fast for his liking, so we did 5 minutes of nice and easy ‘training’ and then we called it a day.

Despite his terrible anxiety, he still doesn’t wanna kiss his momma.


24 weeks (and showing off my dining room progress)

Me and my sweet girl have been together now for 24 weeks. And that means there are 16 weeks until my due date. Wow. 16 WEEKS!!! What!!!!!!!!!! Where did the time go! It’s so crazy how little time it takes a female body to grow a human, I cannot keep up with how amazing and capable my body is. Everyday, I feel so happy and blessed that I am able to go through this beautiful journey and experience every single kick, roll and nudge that she gives me.

She has given me pretty rough leg aches and heartburn recently but I’m learning how to deal with those things. Plus, the leg ache means I get extra massages from Matthew. 😉

Bump update below. Excuse the weird pose.


Hello, week 23!

I’m so excited that she’s existed for 23 weeks! Right now, she’s apparently the size of a large mango.
I watch her dance and play in my belly every single day, now. I feel her constantly, but actually watching her wriggle and move is the most magical thing. I love her to pieces already.
I keep seeing Halloween outfits for newborn babies and I wish she could be here for then.
I have to really crack down on getting a lot of protein for the next 4 weeks, as she is going to be growing rapidly until then! So lots of leafy greens and smoothies for this mama.
I’m learning more and more about HypnoBirthing every day and I am SO excited to start classes and learn more.
Also, today, Orange juice is my absolute best friend.

Week 22

I’ve been growing mine and Matthew’s little person now for 22 weeks! I cannot believe how quickly December is approaching, and I know it will just keep getting faster because we have so much to do until then.

It’s also the eve of my 22nd Birthday, what a funny coincidence!

Bump update and puppy cuddles below. Happy Wednesday. ^_^

21 weeks and feelin’ it

This is my first time sharing one of my baby-related posts to Facebook, as I haven’t really publicized my pregnancy with people who went to my school, or people from any point in my past, only to strangers on WordPress and to people who I currently associate with. But I figured that at 21 weeks, I’m past half-way so it’s probably about time I felt comfortable with sharing our little girl with the world.

I am starting to feel much more pregnant, now. I feel her dance in my belly (Matthew has felt her too), but not as often as I feel her dance on top of my bladder. Or practice gymnastics and karate on my bladder.    I’m still pretty active, I walk every day with no problem, but I get more flushed easier and I feel tired most of the time. I don’t mind though, I love that my body is putting my sweetheart as it’s top priority and she can have all of my energy, if it means that she’s happy and healthy.     My irritability levels are pretty high, too. Which means that Ian is picking the worst time to be barking at every noise he hears and acting up when he’s on the lead with other dogs and people, although I am doing okay at keeping my cool, I think. Well, as good as I can be doing.

Bump update below – a bit different to the normal ones I take, but we don’t have that lovely big mirror anymore so this may have to be the new style! I don’t mind. Ian loves being in my photos. 😉


Park Adventuring

I got Matthew back on Sunday at around 1am!!
We spent Sunday together adventuring with Ian. We went out on a boat in Kensington Metropark for an hour or so, which was so lovely, although the majority of people there who saw Ian were acting completely ridiculous around him – grown adults freaking out and running away from him, and people letting their children tease him. He was just sat there wondering what the hell was going on! It soured the experience a bit for us, but we tried not to let it ruin the whole day. Matthew is also a lot more tolerant than I am and he remained calm, trying to educate people that dogs are not scary monsters, so it helped having him there. One of the many many reasons why I am so happy that he’s home again is that he creates calm so easily.
Afterwards, we walked around Maybury park and I showed him some new spots I found while he was in San Francisco.
I am trying to make the most of the summer, but I am just so excited for Autumn. I can’t stop thinking about going to apple orchards and decorating our apartment for Halloween. Sometimes it can be so hard to live in the moment when there is so much to look forward to!